I was listening to the Work Awesome podcast the other day and heard this gem from guest David Allen:
"I've always been fascinated by how to make things easier...my stuff is about 'how do you get stuff done between here and there,' for which organizing is a key component, but it's very easy to over organize and to lose productivity and freedom by having too much structure."
"In other words, too controlled is out of control because you don't have flexibility or spontanaeity, which are critical elements for being able to stay in control in the larger game. I'm into tips and tricks and what are the tricks that allow us to get things done with as little as effort as possible."
Since I am in the middle of teaching a Lightroom class which has a lot to do with organizing, the "it's very easy to over organize and to lose productivity and freedom by having too much structure" really stood out to me.
With my supplies, I know there are more things I could refine with organizing but I let it go because what I have is more organized than I've ever been and it is working to produce the desired result of allowing me to scrapbook with as little effort as possible. It's made me faster which has also increased my desire to create.
This Lightroom Class is all about sharing the tips and tricks of how to do things easier and faster in Lightroom so you have time for far more important things. The blessings of technology allow you to organize and find things with much less effort than ever before - it's my job to teach you the how-to's.
I realize that for every student feeling "organized" will happen at different levels. So as you look at the tips and tricks shared, you are encouraged to pick and choose what tools will help you get to your vision of "organized" in the fastest and easiest way possible. Make it your own. Do what works for you and adapt it as needed.
I also can tell you from experience that as you work on organizing anything - be it your computer files, digital supplies, closets, drawers, etc. you will have several creative ideas come to you.
Just this week I cleaned out our master bathroom cabinets and drawers, it took me the better part of two hours - but when I was done it felt great! Even better - in the process of organizing, I had several creative ideas come to me. It never ceases to amaze me how organizing things gives me creative energy. I don't know how it works - it just does.
So I have one idea for you all - think about one undone task that isn't terribly pressing - that is causing you subliminal stress - i.e. a junk drawer or closet that needs to be cleaned, a car that needs to be washed, getting your hair done or eyebrows waxed or backing up your hard drive. Seriously - just one thing - and do it. Or mark time on your schedule this week to do it - get it off your list.
You could even write the first ten things that come to your mind today and write those down. Then schedule time out to get them taken care of in the next week or month.
It might sound crazy, but I promise you from personal experience, crossing those items off your list will free your mind up to be a better scrapbooker. Your creativity will flourish and quite frankly you will just be happier.
What do you think? Care to share in the comments? I'd also love to know how things are going for you in the Lightroom class. Progress reports anyone? :)
P.S. - The title from this post was inspired by a dear friend who once told me in an ABC scrapbok (circa 2000) that my middle name stands for Just Organize... At the time I had recently come home to be with my kids after years of living a crazy 60 hour plus work week as a mortgage lender. This was also the year my mom came and helped me organize my kitchen. Getting my life and house organized seemed to take forever that year but it was good preparation for the twin girls who would join our home in 2001.
Just in case you were wondering - another blast from the past in this layout - stamps from CTMH. It's hard for me to believe that in my past creative life I was an avid stamper and even taught others. Crazy how things change - I don't have one stamp outside my collection and ten years ago I had drawers and drawers of them!
I so agree with this! Action creates more action. I'm in a bit of a slump right now, action-wise, but I know it'll come back as soon as I can muster the energy to do just one thing. anything! it's like a snowball effect :)
As for the LR class, I have all my kits tagged by designer/kit name and have started doing the rest (color, type, etc.). I'm so thrilled to be doing this. Thank you so much for providing all of this information.
BTW, is there a way to email you?
Posted by: Wendy T. | 11 March 2011 at 12:48 PM
Great progress on your LR stuff! I think that is part of the reason I am so into organizing my house right now and spring cleaning - I've spent so many hours organizing my supplies it is like a snowball! :) You can email me at lightroomlady at gmail.com - Have a great weekend. :)
Posted by: Kayla Lamoreaux | 11 March 2011 at 12:54 PM