Every had "one of those days?" One of those days doesn't even begin to describe my past 24 hours...
The journaling reads: It started with Hyrum missing the bus by literally seconds this morning so I had to drive him to school. HUGE accident in the way and it takes 3 times as long to get there. After I drop him off the roads are closed so there is no way to go home so I have to just sit and wait- did I mention I was bra-less and in PJs and flip flops? For dinner I wanted to try a new recipe - Pasta Carbonera. While stirring the sauce, I smelled smoke. Then I felt something warm on my stomach. As I looked down, my shirt was on fire! Overcoming my momentary shock, I started blowing the flames out while running to the sink to drench my shirt in water. I am sure I looked pretty crazy. The fire burned through two layers of clothing. When dinner was served, I brought out the salad dressing and proceeded to shake it up - the lid came loose, spraying dressing all over the dining room. And my “luck” didn’t end there - I opened the root beer, only to have it turn into a sprinkler, spraying everything in sight. It definitely wasn’t my day but on the bright side? Miraculously I wasn’t burned, things are easy to clean, and no one I love was in that morning accident. So in hindsight, maybe it wasn’t such a bad day after all.
And yes the photo in the layout is the charred remains of my layered shirts...
Note to self: loose clothing, gas stoves and cooking really don't mix.
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Oh, my, goodness!!! I'm so glad that you are all right! The good news is that tomorrow HAS to be better!
Posted by: Barbara Garrett | 10 February 2011 at 02:07 PM