Do you believe in Fairies? Let me introduce you to a fairy I believe in -
Karen is the type of fairy that should have digital scrapbookers everywhere clapping their hands and jumping for joy. Every day and sometimes several times a day, Karen releases antique clipart on her blog that crafters and scrapbookers can use in their everyday projects. The best part is she does it all for free - just sharing - she's a woman I totally identify with and we are so lucky to have her in blogland!
The Graphics Fairy also runs a site called The Background Fairy where you can download free templates and fun things to prettify your blog. Now do you see why I believe in Fairies? :)
I am such a huge fan of Karen's that I shared a few blogging tutorials on her site a few months back. We also recently coordinated on another tutorial for The Graphics Fairy site where I show how to use the graphics from her site and make your own pattern paper and cute Christmas card. You can see the video tutorial here. Hope you enjoy!
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